Art is the expression, the ‘vivid face’ of a society.

It is the representative form in which a society manifests itself and presents itself to other societies.
That’s why its importance extends beyond that of an artist who provides services to an audience.
This implies that artistic events extend beyond the encounters between works of art and their audience, and offer possibilities for the exchange of contacts and ideas between parties involved in art and culture, such as governments, semi-governmental or non-governmental institutions and culturally committed companies.
Intrinsic values
If we look at art in terms of its intrinsic (i.e. non-ideological) values, it also offers a politically neutral field, in which parties of different orientations can share an interest. More generally, the shared interest is also a good reason to share even more, to enter into meetings, to make contacts, to exchange ideas and to make agreements.
The following events will be organised, in collaboration with our members International League of Fine Art Schools/ILFAS and Klassieke Salon/Classical Salon:
Via exhibitions. conferences, exchangeprograms, artist in residence, etc.
Due to Covid 2020 and 2021 were rather inactive years, but in 2022 a restart was made with new contacts in Belgium, New Zealand and Türkey.
Conferences on art
A leading conference from 2012-2019 was ‘The Representational Art Conference’. This conference started 2012 in Ventura, California as an initiative of art teachers from California Lutheran University.
She bundled the worldwide revival of skill-based art, and provided it with theoretical frameworks.
In 2018 she was held in Europe, in Leeuwarden, then Cultural Capital of Europe. There TRAC2018 was organized by the Dutch foundation “De Klassieke Salon”.
Conferences on art policy
For policy makers it is useful to exchange findings and experiences, to take note of ideas and solutions.
Sometimes policy notes or sketches of ideas give rise to targeted meetings, and sometimes demonstrations such as exhibitions.
In the Netherlands, the Classical Art Center takes initiatives, including the initiation of a coherent art policy in the area of studio facilities, forms of presentation and educational policy.
International conferences
A programme for an international conference can promote relations, clarify issues and create new contacts.
Certainly where the art event itself provides for a high status and demands respect, such a programme can considerably facilitate consultation.
For TRAC2018 (Leeuwarden) see movie